The Constitution of the Slovak Republic No. 460 I/1992 Coll. as amended by Constitutional Act No. 244/1998
Coll., constitutional law No. 9/1999 of
w., Constitutional Act No. 90/2001 Coll., Constitutional Act No. 140/2004 of
No. 323, constitutional law/2004 Coll., constitutional law No. 463/2005 Coll., Constitutional Act No. 92/2006
Coll., constitutional law no 210/2006 of
and Constitutional Act No. 100/2010 Coll.
is added as follows: "
1". In the article. 102, paragraph 1 shall be supplemented with the letter u), which reads as follows:
u) decide on credentials, "the Government and giving you permission to exercise its competence under article
. 115 (1). 3. "