,,Priatelia, mám za sebou celkom pekný deň… Mohla to byť dobrá etapa, som si pomyslel pred štartom. Keď chýbalo do cieľa asi 10 km, bol som v prvej skupine balíka a pred nami menšia skupinka, Vybral som sa ich prenasledovať, nikto nechcel ísť do háku a keď som im ukazoval rukou, aby ťahali a ako som práve striedal, letela za mnou motorka. Neviem ani koľko išla, len som odrazu cítil ranu zozadu a ocitol som sa na zemi… Motorku som už nevidel, išla ďalej. Vedel som, že ma niekto z organizátorov zhodil, niekto z motorkárov, čo sa vlastne starajú o našu bezpečnosť. Postavil som sa, začal som vnímať, či náhodou nemám niečo zlomené. Bol som v tom momente veľmi nahnevaný, veď som išiel po etapové víťazstvo a nie vlastnou vinnou som spadol…
Chcem otvorene povedať, že nie som vôbec nadšený, pretože tieto incidenty sa v poslednom čase stavajú akosi často! Pretekári sú ticho a všetko napokon v tichosti prejde… Napríklad v San Sebastiane zhodili Van Avermaeta v kopci, motorkách, ktorý nevie jazdiť… Na ďalšom preteku organizátori nechali dopravné značky, obmedzenia na ceste v šprinte asi dvesto metrov pred cieľom, kde bol tiež veľký pád a všetko prešlo potichu… Nepáčia sa mi tieto zapríčinené pády kvôli našej bezpečnosti, veď taká motorka váži aj 200 kg, ak by ma prešla, čo by sa mohlo stať? Našťastie mám len odrené telo, najmä nohu a narazenú ruku. Mohlo to však dopadnúť aj horšie… Som však tu na hoteli, živý a zdravý!
Čo by som ešte povedal? Po mojom páde som bol skutočne veľmi nahnevaný, motorka odišla preč, čo tiež nenapomohlo k tomu, aby som bol kľudný. A navyše ďalšia smiešna vec, dostal som pokutu 200 eur za nevhodné správanie a 100 eur za zlú vizitku športu...
Čo už? No nič! Sedím si na izbe a premýšľam, čo sa vlastne stalo… Po prvé, nie som vinníkom toho pádu, som dobitý a ešte zato, že som vynadal organizátorom, dostanem ja pokutu… Je to vôbec možné?
Viem, že to musím akceptovať, aj pokutu, ale pripadá mi to smiešne až komické… Ale čo už, taký je život a ide sa ďalej. Keby ten pád bol vlastnou vinnou, ale bol niekým, kto má dávať na nás pozor. My cyklisti pretekáme či je zima alebo teplo, dávame do toho všetko, aby sme vyhrávali a kvôli niekomu v závere etapy, keď som už mysľou na šprint, ma niekto zhodí. Otvorím si potom ústa a dostanem pokutu… Čo mám ja robiť? Kde sú moje práva? Mám sa pobaliť a ísť radšej domov? Som zvedavý, či sa niečo po mojom páde zmení, ale asi nič… Môj názor je, že rozhodne by sa už malo niečo v cyklistike v tomto smere zmeniť!"
,,Friends, I have had quite a nice day ... It could’ve been a good stage, so I thought before the start. There was about 10 km to go before the finish and I was in the first group of the peloton and there was a smaller group in front of us. I chose them chase, no one wanted to go with me and when I was indicating with my hand as I was just swapping place I felt a motorbike flying from behind me. I do not know even how fast it went, I just suddenly felt a blow from behind and found myself on the ground... I didn’t see the motorcycle, it carried on. I knew that it was someone from the organisers, someone on a motorbike who is actually suppose to take care of our safety. I stood up, I started to see if I had anything broken ... In that moment, I was very angry, because I went for the stage win and it wasn’t my fault that I had fallen...
I want to say openly that I am not at all impressed because these incidents have been happening quite often recently! Competitors are quiet and everything usually passes without any more noise... For example, in San Sebastian, in the hill, Van Avermaet was hit by a motorcyclist who cannot ride...
In the next race, the organisers left the road signs, road restrictions in the sprint for about two hundred meters before the finish, where there was also a big fall and it all got quietly swept under the carpet...
I do not like these falls due to our safety, after all, such bike can weigh 200 kg and if it ran me over, what could’ve happened?! Fortunately, I only have bruised body, especially my legs and my hand hurts. It could, however, been a lot worse... but I am here at the hotel, alive and well!
What else can I add? After my fall I was really very angry, the motorbike left which didn’t help to keep me calm. Plus, another funny thing, I got fined 200 euros for improper conduct and € 100 for the bad sportsmanship...What now...? Well nothing! I'm sitting in the room, wondering what had happened ... First of all, I did not cause the fall, I am bruised and still I get fined for scolding the organisers... Is that even possible?
I know that I have to accept it, also the fine, but I find it ridiculous, even comical ... but whatever, that’s life, let’s carry on. If the fall was my own fault, but no, it was someone else’s, someone, who should look after us. Us cyclists, we race whether it's cold or hot, we put everything into it so we could be winning. But because of someone, towards the end of the stage when my mind is already focusing on the sprint into the finish, someone makes me fall. Then I open my mouth and get a penalty ... what am I suppose to do? Where are my rights? Shall I rather pack up and go home? I wonder if anything will change after my fall, but probably nothing ... My view is that something should definitely change in cycling in this matter!
結果 (
日本語) 1:
VUELTA A ESPAŇA 2015 ,,Priatelia, mám za sebou celkom pekný deň… Mohla to byť dobrá etapa, som si pomyslel pred štartom. Keď chýbalo do cieľa asi 10 km, bol som v prvej skupine balíka a pred nami menšia skupinka, Vybral som sa ich prenasledovať, nikto nechcel ísť do háku a keď som im ukazoval rukou, aby ťahali a ako som práve striedal, letela za mnou motorka. Neviem ani koľko išla, len som odrazu cítil ranu zozadu a ocitol som sa na zemi… Motorku som už nevidel, išla ďalej. Vedel som, že ma niekto z organizátorov zhodil, niekto z motorkárov, čo sa vlastne starajú o našu bezpečnosť. Postavil som sa, začal som vnímať, či náhodou nemám niečo zlomené. Bol som v tom momente veľmi nahnevaný, veď som išiel po etapové víťazstvo a nie vlastnou vinnou som spadol… Chcem otvorene povedať, že nie som vôbec nadšený, pretože tieto incidenty sa v poslednom čase stavajú akosi často! Pretekári sú ticho a všetko napokon v tichosti prejde… Napríklad v San Sebastiane zhodili Van Avermaeta v kopci, motorkách, ktorý nevie jazdiť… Na ďalšom preteku organizátori nechali dopravné značky, obmedzenia na ceste v šprinte asi dvesto metrov pred cieľom, kde bol tiež veľký pád a všetko prešlo potichu… Nepáčia sa mi tieto zapríčinené pády kvôli našej bezpečnosti, veď taká motorka váži aj 200 kg, ak by ma prešla, čo by sa mohlo stať? Našťastie mám len odrené telo, najmä nohu a narazenú ruku. Mohlo to však dopadnúť aj horšie… Som však tu na hoteli, živý a zdravý!Čo by som ešte povedal? Po mojom páde som bol skutočne veľmi nahnevaný, motorka odišla preč, čo tiež nenapomohlo k tomu, aby som bol kľudný. A navyše ďalšia smiešna vec, dostal som pokutu 200 eur za nevhodné správanie a 100 eur za zlú vizitku športu...Čo už? No nič! Sedím si na izbe a premýšľam, čo sa vlastne stalo… Po prvé, nie som vinníkom toho pádu, som dobitý a ešte zato, že som vynadal organizátorom, dostanem ja pokutu… Je to vôbec možné? Viem, že to musím akceptovať, aj pokutu, ale pripadá mi to smiešne až komické… Ale čo už, taký je život a ide sa ďalej. Keby ten pád bol vlastnou vinnou, ale bol niekým, kto má dávať na nás pozor. My cyklisti pretekáme či je zima alebo teplo, dávame do toho všetko, aby sme vyhrávali a kvôli niekomu v závere etapy, keď som už mysľou na šprint, ma niekto zhodí. Otvorím si potom ústa a dostanem pokutu… Čo mám ja robiť? Kde sú moje práva? Mám sa pobaliť a ísť radšej domov? Som zvedavý, či sa niečo po mojom páde zmení, ale asi nič… Môj názor je, že rozhodne by sa už malo niečo v cyklistike v tomto smere zmeniť!" ,,Friends, I have had quite a nice day ... It could’ve been a good stage, so I thought before the start. There was about 10 km to go before the finish and I was in the first group of the peloton and there was a smaller group in front of us. I chose them chase, no one wanted to go with me and when I was indicating with my hand as I was just swapping place I felt a motorbike flying from behind me. I do not know even how fast it went, I just suddenly felt a blow from behind and found myself on the ground... I didn’t see the motorcycle, it carried on. I knew that it was someone from the organisers, someone on a motorbike who is actually suppose to take care of our safety. I stood up, I started to see if I had anything broken ... In that moment, I was very angry, because I went for the stage win and it wasn’t my fault that I had fallen... I want to say openly that I am not at all impressed because these incidents have been happening quite often recently! Competitors are quiet and everything usually passes without any more noise... For example, in San Sebastian, in the hill, Van Avermaet was hit by a motorcyclist who cannot ride... In the next race, the organisers left the road signs, road restrictions in the sprint for about two hundred meters before the finish, where there was also a big fall and it all got quietly swept under the carpet... I do not like these falls due to our safety, after all, such bike can weigh 200 kg and if it ran me over, what could’ve happened?! Fortunately, I only have bruised body, especially my legs and my hand hurts. It could, however, been a lot worse... but I am here at the hotel, alive and well! What else can I add? After my fall I was really very angry, the motorbike left which didn’t help to keep me calm. Plus, another funny thing, I got fined 200 euros for improper conduct and € 100 for the bad sportsmanship...What now...? Well nothing! I'm sitting in the room, wondering what had happened ... First of all, I did not cause the fall, I am bruised and still I get fined for scolding the organisers... Is that even possible? I know that I have to accept it, also the fine, but I find it ridiculous, even comical ... but whatever, that’s life, let’s carry on. If the fall was my own fault, but no, it was someone else’s, someone, who should look after us. Us cyclists, we race whether it's cold or hot, we put everything into it so we could be winning. But because of someone, towards the end of the stage when my mind is already focusing on the sprint into the finish, someone makes me fall. Then I open my mouth and get a penalty ... what am I suppose to do? Where are my rights? Shall I rather pack up and go home? I wonder if anything will change after my fall, but probably nothing ... My view is that something should definitely change in cycling in this matter!